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NYRR si allea con Crowdrise per raccogliere “$1 million a mile”

La Maratona di New York prosegue nel suo sforzo di raccogliere fondi per beneficenza, anche attraverso questa nuova partnership con Crowdrise.
Di cosa si tratta ? Crowdrise è una piattaforma on line, lanciata recentemente, che unisce il fenomento del crowdsourcing con la passione del social network. Da oggi NYRR possono rivolgersi a tutto il mondo della New York Marathon, corridori, volontari, operatori, per invitarli a unire gli sforzi nella raccolta di fondi. Su Crowdrise, tutti possono, in un click, devolvere fondi ad una delle 90 organizzazioni che sono state accreditate dai New York Road Runners.
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Ecco di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:
September 7, 2010 – New York, NY – Edward Norton, co-founder of Crowdrise, and New York Road Runners (NYRR) president and CEO Mary Wittenberg announced today that NYRR is partnering with Crowdrise, the recently launched web platform that brings the power of crowdsourcing and the fun of social networking to fundraising and volunteerism.  This groundbreaking relationship is part of NYRR’s expanded and ambitious “Million Dollars a Mile” charity campaign for the ING New York City Marathon 2010 on Sunday, November 7th.
For the first time ever, NYRR is reaching out to the entire running community of the ING New York City Marathon 2010 (not just runners registered via charities) and encouraging all runners, trainers, volunteers and spectators to unite and fundraise. Through its partnership with Crowdrise, and their easy-to-use tools and resources, NYRR is able to create an online platform that will allow thousands of runners and volunteers to join together and raise money for different charities but all for a common goal – raising $1 million per mile ($26.2 million).  On Crowdrise, with one click, individuals can donate to or fundraise for more than 90 different official ING New York City Marathon charities, or can start their own fundraiser for a cause they care about.
This unprecedented partnership is especially meaningful to Norton, who ran the ING New York City Marathon 2009 on behalf of the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT).  Using many of the tools now familiar on Crowdrise, Norton and his Crowdrise partners created the Maasai Marathon website which became one of the top fundraising successes of last year’s marathon, raising $1.2 million in less than eight weeks.  This campaign gave the Crowdrise founders the perfect test case for the Crowdrise approach, and this year’s collaboration with NYRR will give every runner and volunteer the tools to replicate MWCT’s success.
“The ING New York City Marathon is one of the greatest events I’ve ever participated in, not only as a personal challenge, but also in terms of the incredible energy and enthusiasm it creates around people joining together to support great causes and change the world. Running the race for one of the charitable teams made it twice as fun and uplifting for me.  So I’m hugely excited that NYRR has chosen Crowdrise to help them involve even more of the runners in that experience this year. We look at this as a perfect partnership that’s going to take the Marathon to new levels of success,” said Norton.
“We’ve found our ‘teammates in making a difference’ in Edward Norton and his team at Crowdrise,” said Wittenberg. “Last year, I watched with great interest as Edward leveraged social media like few others had to raise more than a million dollars. Edward became every bit as passionate as we are about the power of the ING New York City Marathon to do good. Together, we have a chance to take our marathon’s charitable impact to a whole new level with our Million Dollars a Mile campaign, and to have a lot of fun and engage a lot more people along the way.”

Giancarlo Costa

Snowboarder, corridore di montagna, autore per i siti e In passato collaboratore della rivista SNOWBOARDER MAGAZINE dal 1996 al 1999, collaboratore della rivista ON BOARD nel 2000. Responsabile tecnico della rivista BACKCOUNTRY nel 2001. Responsabile tecnico della rivista MONTAGNARD e MONTAGNARD FREE PRESS dal 2002 al 2006. Collaboratore della rivista MADE FOR SPORT nel 2006.